Power Supply/Demand Notification
This website provides information about the power supply/demand situation in the Kansai area which is the area covered by Kansai Transmission and Distribution.
The information is provided in the form of a daily Electricity Forecast that comprises the data shown below.
- Expected usage ratio, expected maximum power, and power supply capacity in above time slot at peak demand time
- Expected usage ratio, expected maximum power, and power supply capacity in above time slot at peak usage ratio

Actual data for the implementation day
Actual demand for the previous dayActual data in 5-minute intervals
Supply capacity at peak demand timeSupply capacity at peak usage ratio
Actual solar power generation data
* Estimated value calculated from solar radiation amount
Kansai Transmission and Distribution is always working to ensure sufficient power supply capacity, but the use of cooling and heating may temporarily reach a peak due to weather phenomena, and the expected maximum power may approach the supply capacity.
When the power usage exceeds the power supply capacity, power outage will occur. We therefore request your kind cooperation in saving energy.
Power Supply/Demand Related Information
Explanation of Power Supply/Demand Notification
Causes for Daily Changes in Supply Capacity
Actual Supply/Demand Data for Kansai AreaBased on “Disclosure Policy of System Information” released by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, actual data about electric power supply and demand in the Kansai area are made available publicly (CSV format).
Preparations to Make in Case the Power Supply/Demand Condition Does Not ImproveInformation about the concept of planned power outages in case of large-scale power loss caused by natural disasters and similar.