What is important to us03

03. Aiming for Low Transmission Charges While Pursuing Improved Productivity and Efficiency


Realizing DX (Digital Transformation) for improved productivity

We are enhancing the quality and productivity of operations through the utilization of AI and the IoT in a wide range of fields, such as automatic processing of routine tasks and remote inspection and monitoring using drones and sensors. In this way, we are pursuing the creation of new value.

Remote support for on-site operations using smart glasses (glasses-like devices equipped with cameras and microphones)

Promoting the installation of smart meters

The smart meter is a new type of power meter featuring communication capabilities and supporting advanced functions such as measuring and recording power usage every 30 minutes. Automatic remote metering is easily possible, significantly improving the efficiency of meter reading operations. In addition, power usage can be evaluated in detail for effective energy and power saving.

Unifying the specifications of various facilities and optimizing materials procurement to improve efficiency

Unifying the specifications of facilities such as electric poles and transformers, and reforming procurement methods for example by harmonizing materials procurement among transmission and distribution operators will result in lower costs.

Roadmap for Procurement Method Reform